boston media arts

Boston Moving Arts’ mission is to enable contemporary dance art to be a financially viable career.


What We Do

As presenter, BMA occupies the middle ground between incubator in-studio venues and large 1,000+ seat venues.

As co-producer, BMA connects local artists with large venue and New England presenters for touring opportunities.

As artist advocate, BMA provides direct funding and wrap around free support in the form of grant writing, photography and videography to artists promoting a clear career path to increasingly larger audiences and pay.

How We Do it

As Presenter

As Artist Advocate

By The Numbers


Boston Moving Arts


The story of Boston Moving Arts is the story of David Orr, its founder.

“A few years ago, I had the great serendipitous fortune of attending a dance performance by the stunning Sante Fe Ballet. I was not new to dance at the time; I’d probably attended a half dozen performances in my life, mostly to see my ballerina sister dance. But something special happened that night. The exquisite control, grace, power and passion of these human bodies moving on stage took my breath away. Being in the presence of such perfect artistry, I was overwhelmed by humbling vulnerability. I cried in honor of the dancer. I cried in honor of their humanness. And I cried in solidarity that I share that same humanness. Like some powerful addictive drug, I seek out dance everywhere I can, in search of being profoundly moved. The more dance I see, the more frequently I experience that exultation. It is my fervent wish that every person may have the precious fortune of experiencing a life altering dance performance.

This is the mission of Boston Moving Arts.”

board of directors
David Orr
BMA founder and philanthropist
BMA founder and philanthropist
Brent Belsher
Founder of Belsher Arts Management
Founder of Belsher Arts Management
Dana Dalke
Program Manager at COHIF
Program Manager at COHIF

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