The most precious commodities for dance making are money time and space. Boston Moving Arts’ programs provide wrap around support through residencies, financial and production support.
Production + Support
Central to BMA’s mission is to develop a committed audience for contemporary dance. Every year, barring pandemics, BMA presents at least one show.
Honoring the exquisite work of area artists, BMA will pay $35 per performance-minute per dancer with a minimum of $450 per dancer. For example, if a piece is fifteen minutes, BMA will pay $525 to each dancer for a two-performance run to present a previously choreographed work. For this calculation, the choreographer is counted as a performer.

βTo watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.β
Hopi Indian Saying
Unfortunately, dance art cannot be completely supported through ticket sales alone. The artist requires additional funds, usually in the form of grants to create new work.
BMA provides support to dance makers through grant writing. The artist defines what they want to do and which grant they wish to pursue. BMA will research the grantor, thoroughly discuss the intent of the artist and write the grant. For those who are comfortable with writing, but need a second pair of eyes, BMA can review and suggest edits to what has been written.
Starting in 2023, BMA will also provide artists with a grant research service. In this service we will research additional foundations from which to seek grants using the Foundation Directory.
“Men who leave their money to be distributed by others are pie-faced mutts. I want to see the action during my lifetime.β
George Eastman
Enticing photographs and exhilarating video are precious commodities to promote and engage audiences and donors. BMA can find those amazing moments that captures the essence of your piece or company.
Ideally from rehearsals or during tech/dress run throughs, BMA can capture and create dynamic and enticing promotional videos for use on social media, websites or emails. For example:
Kairos Dance Theater Husk/Vessel Rehearsal
Kristin Wagner's Alpha Promo
Lady BOS Productions Fundraiser
Olivia Blaisdell's Slo-fuh-jee-luh Promo
Audrey MaClean's Other Stuff Promo
Angelina Benitez's To be alone together Promo
Kelly Donnovan's Community Rehearsal
Fukudance's RE:main Promo
Kairos Dance Theater's Up In Smoke Promo
Kairos Dance Theater's Ministry of Femme Promo
Kristin Wagner's Within and Without Promo