boston media arts

The Sustainer Residency

The Sustainer Residency is BMA’s multi-year commitment to enable an artist to find a sustaining voice or solidify an organization.

Making art is hard enough. Developing a company or deepening a dance career requires sustained and cohesive effort.
BMA’s Sustainer Residency’s multi-year support provides a safe financial harbor far an artist to focus on building consistency, clarity and infrastructure that can lead to sustained growth.

Current Recipient

Rheya Shano



Rheya is one of the very rare people who has a powerful stage presence supported by outstanding technical ability. She currently is seeking to dance with a ballet company. This residency is supporting audition process expenses.



Rheya is one of the very rare people who has a powerful stage presence supported by outstanding technical ability. She currently is seeking to dance with a ballet company. This residency is supporting audition process expenses.

Past Recipient

Kristin Wagner


Founder of The Click Boston

Two years ago, Kristin approached BMA with a vision to create an organization that “is an experiment in organization, connection, and collaboration among a group of like-minded creative spirits living, making, teaching, studying, and/or existing in the Greater Boston area. We are a group of dancers whose primary medium of physical expression is through contemporary forms, but we are also a group of individuals who dabble and play in many modes and genres of creativity.”

From that nascent desire, has grown The Click Boston; a group of six talented dancers that has created five works, two performances, an augmented reality performance and seven ongoing educational programs.


Founder of The Click Boston

Two years ago, Kristin approached BMA with a vision to create an organization that “is an experiment in organization, connection, and collaboration among a group of like-minded creative spirits living, making, teaching, studying, and/or existing in the Greater Boston area. We are a group of dancers whose primary medium of physical expression is through contemporary forms, but we are also a group of individuals who dabble and play in many modes and genres of creativity.”

From that nascent desire, has grown The Click Boston; a group of six talented dancers that has created five works, two performances, an augmented reality performance and seven ongoing educational programs.

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